Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Physical Education
In recent years there has been a complete change In the philosophy concerning the use of weights in training for various athletic activities, formerly, it was assumed that the use of weights by an athlete would make him muscle-bound, slow, less flexible, and in general, counter the skills and fundamentals which are important to success in athletics. At the present time, it Is known that a careful, intelligent, and well-planned program of weight training can be met beneficial to the athlete, whatever his sport. "The same personal qualities that enable a student to make himself study, and the great athlete to discipline himself for perfection at performances, are also needed in order to make him stick to the systematic grind of weight training.
The idea behind the use of weight is very simple—the muscles are gradually trained to do more and more work. In this era of television, automobiles, escalators, motion pictures, and spectator sports, the role of physical exercise has become increasingly important, The functional efficiency of the human organism depends upon many factors, and one so frequently neglected by otherwise intelligent persons is exercise, "Exercise Is fundamental to human efficiency} for man*s body, unlike many other machines, increases in efficiency with use and deteriorates with disuse."This Is Illustrated by the way la which the muscles of the era weaken when the arm la carried In a sling over an extended period of time. Anyone who seriously desires to develop and maintain an optimum level of productivity in his or her daily living must exercise regularly. Every individual should acquire the skills of a number of carry-over physical activities in order that a systematic and intelligent exercise program can be followed throughout life.
Committee Chair/Advisor
Norman Johnson
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Booker, L. M. (1962). A Comparative Study Of Weight- Trained And Non-Weight Trained Swimmers In Selected High Schools Of Houston, Texas. Retrieved from