Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Education
Degree Discipline
The primary purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which classroom teachers of Hale, Randall, Lubbock, and Potter counties take advantage of available local resources.
To do this adequately, it was necessary first to ascertain the number and types of resources which those counties offer.
The study was designed to answer the following question: Which, if any, local institutions provide learning situations or materials, or resource people, all or both, that could be used to give concrete experience that would be useful in the school's program?
The two-fold benefit to be derived is to arouse interest in people who can make contributions, and to solicit their cooperation in helping to educate children. Secondly, to help Negro teachers to become more aware of available resources as teaching aids.
What are the limiting conditions of visiting age groups, safety hazards, racial factors, costs, time and availability governing the utilization of these resources?
To what extent would institutions or persons possessing valuable resources be willing to share with the school? Do Negro teachers of Hale, Randall, Lubbock and Potter counties make use of these resources?
Committee Chair/Advisor
A. C. Preston
Prairie View A&M College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Osborne, M. D. (1960). A Study to Ascertain to What Extent Negro Teachers of Hale, Potter, Randall, and Lubbock Counties Take Advantage of Available Local Resources. Retrieved from