A Program for the Improvement of Public Relations in the Elderville District Schools Longview, Texas
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Educational Administration
For the last thirty years the writer has been connected with the Ned E. Williams Industrial School. He has served in the school as teacher, Principal and is now the Superintendent of the Elderville District in which the Ned E. Williams School is located. Because of those experiences the writer has a vantage point that gives him a prospective that is very much unlike that of most others. It is to be noted that the writer is not attempting, in this treatise to crystallize a problem per se. His contact with the school district during the last thirty-two years, either as teacher, principal or superintendent, has gained for him an insight into the motives and actions of the people. This insight has helped to refine the problem that surrounds the school with reference to the community. The writer will propose answers to the different facets of the problem that he knows to be fundamental in the community.
The writer shall attempt to analyze the problem on the basis of two fundamental assumptions. First, we assume that the public relations program of Elderville District is inadequate. Second, we assume that there is a need for a more practical public relations program, adapted to the needs of the pupils in the school and the philosophy of the schools in the Elderville District.
In the light of these assumptions this study proposes to answer the following general questions: 1. What are some indisputable evidences that the public relations program in Elderville District is inadequate or impractical? 2. What type of public relations program is best suited for the schools in the Elderville District?
The purpose of this study is to accomplish the following: 1. Point out the aims and functions of a public relations program. 2. Provide a plan for the use of that part of the general public relations program that may be used in a school situation that is comparable to what is found in the Elderville School District. 3. Stimulate further study in the field of public relations at the rural district level. 4. Provide a comprehensive guide for evaluating the public relations program in a rural district.
The study will include a public relations program for the Elderville School District and other school districts of similar size, organization and composition.
Committee Chair/Advisor
J. L. Brown
Committee Member
J. M. Drew
Prairie View A&M College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Williams, E. R. (1951). A Program for the Improvement of Public Relations in the Elderville District Schools Longview, Texas. Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.pvamu.edu/pvamu-theses/1262