Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science in Education
Degree Discipline
Arts and Science
The purpose and primary aim for organization was the stimulation of better scholarship among all students. Twenty-five students became charter members of the Society. The emblem selected for use by the Society was a gold key with the Greek letters A. P. M. inscribed on it, carrying the following interpretation: "The only excellence is excellence of learning and doing. "The value of the scholarship to any college", an inspiring and interesting discussion by Dean Harry W. Greene at the first formal meeting of the organization. In this address, points stressing the particular value of this organization to Prairie View were very forcibly presented to members of the Society. During this same year, 1928-29 thirty-three (33) won places on the first honor roll, making themselves eligible for membership in the Alpha Pi Mu. These students were taken in as charter members, except those who were below the college level. Students becoming charter members, according to classes were: Class '29, Ernestine Archie, Madge Chatman, Imogene Ford, Matilda Jones*, J. J. Marks, Iris Simmons; Class '30, L. M. Carroll, Vera M. Clements*, Hattie M, Jenkins, Eva D. Moore, Hattie Moore, Mattie Heese, Hubye Hush, Elnita Wallace, Lela Washington; Class *31, Finnis V, Love, B. S. Luter, 0. L. Colter, Booker T. Greer, Lueanna Holt*, S. H. Jones; Class *32, Hoxana Everage, Henry Hmiard, Mary E. Porter, Irene Handle. Those taken in as temporary members from the Class of '33 Reginald Lindysay, Frankie Osborne, Square 0. Sorter, Oeorge Redus. Activities of the Society are both literary and social. The literary activities of the Society are, for the most part, discussions of problems of literary and educational nature. In the school year 1928-39, a series of discussions were held on Hegro History and outstanding persons of the Negro Race. During 1929-30 and 1930-31, problems in Education, Social Research, Economics, and many other problems of similar nature received much comment and able discussion. These discussions, except on special occasions when presented by leading faculty members, are presented by members of the Society and discussed by the entire group. In April, each year on a day set aside as annual scholarship day, permission to wear the Alpha Pi Mu emblem is given to those, who by their scholarship, have attained permanent membership in the Society.
Committee Chair/Advisor
Harry W. Greene
Prairie View State College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Love, F. V. (1931). A Study of The Alpha Pi Mu Honary Scholarship Society 1930-31. Retrieved from