Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Today's students are moving out Into a world Increasingly filled with older people* A declining birth* rate, more effective medical care, and restricted immigration combine to advance the average age of the total population* Furthermore, Industrial and economic changes have produced a different pattern and distribution of jobs, decreasing the proportions in traditional trades, increasing the semiskilled, clerical, and distributive jobs.
Pertinently, student mortality and withdrawal rates In grades nine through twelve, which average about 45 percent In the country at large, Indicate that less than one-half of the ninth grade students complete the education they start. Certainly, incomplete high-school courses raise doubts that the job of democratic education is being well done.
Yet guidance offers no society-wide solution to the problems of adolescents. It may be a preventive measure for some students or a curative measure for others. Wasted human effort and maladjustment cannot be eliminated, but they can be decreased.
Statement of Problem
This study is an attempt to introduce modern points of view of learning through vocation and to improve the courses of study now offered in Fisher High School to meet the needs of the students who enroll there. Since both boys and girls have distinct problems in determining their needs, the following questions are pertinent in arriving at a solution: (1) What special plan can b© made to improve vocational outlook? (?) How can the percentage of failure be minimized? (3) Why is it that some students do not complete their high school training?
Committee Chair/Advisor
Joseph E. Allison
Committee Member
J. D. Singletary
Committee Member
J. D. Singletary
Committee Member
J. M. Drew
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Payne, L. C. (1953). A Proposed Vocational Guidance Program For The Fisher High School, Athens, Texas. Retrieved from