Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Physical Education
Now, as never before, there is an increasing demand for qualified coaches. The importance of this most recent demand is obvious. America is stressing physical strength, endurance, and skill. The recent wars revealed a genuine need for physical training. It called attention to the deficient man power of the nation and many observers came to the conclusion that the young men were of a very low physical standard. These beliefs supported by physical examination records of the draft boards gave rise to arguments for a newer emphasis on physical education in the public schools of the nation. Leagues of amateur and professional athletes, athletic clubs, and other similar organizations contributed to the wave of enthusiasm and promoted athletic games and contests. Much of the benefits to be derived from athletic games and contests depend upon methods and procedures used in their administration. Therefore, the question of qualifications of coaches of athletics arises.
The coach of interscholastic athletics assumes a responsible position in American education. He guides the destinies of youth in life situations of intense interest. He reserves the opportunity for molding the character of adolescent youth, the man power of the nation. He must be qualified to coach boys in athletics. These qualifications and the many weaknesses found among the coaches interviewed for this study will be presented.
Committee Chair/Advisor
W. J. Nicks
Committee Member
W. J. Nicks
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Roberts, J. D. (1951). A Profile Of Class AA Negro Coaches In Texas. Retrieved from