Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Since the concensus of opinion is that "General Science is meeting the needs and interests of boys and girls better than specialized courses are doing",1 and since the organization impels General Science offerings in a composite course, this work has for a purpose to suggest an approach to a proposed program for teaching General Science as a course designated at 9th grade level in keeping with state requirement and the writer's immediate 8-4 school plan of organization, and to suggest a method of instruction that will stimulate active interests in the complete curriculum, thus precipitating the maximum benefit for Conroe's children. This study proposes a subsidiary purpose to show how Conroe's children can be made scientific minded through this special program of teaching.
This work limits itself to an approach to a proposed program for teaching General Science in the Booker T. Washington High School where the interests are far from specialization, but are confined to a standard agriculture curriculum which displaces all electives with required courses irrespective of interests. The work further limits itself to a situation where lack of city recreational facilities, and where economic insecurities often make it imperative for many to drop out of school to assume adulthood at the end of freshman high school, the year in which General Science is offered at Booker T. Washington, but when the student is of the age and physical stature to offer help by way of unspecialized jobs such as cafe, laundry, private home, yard and grocery store help. For wholesome and complete living the school feels responsible even though it does not finish the student in its curriculum.
A final delimitation may be seen in the fact that the entire high school science program includes only General Science, Biology, and Chemistry for grades nine, ten, and twelve respectively.
1 Noll, op. cit.,p.24.
Prairie View A&M College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Collier, E. D. (1951). A Suggested Approach to a Proposed Program for Teaching General Science in Booker T. Washington High school, Conroe, Texas. Retrieved from