Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
America has prided itself on being a land of opportunity. The careers of millions of European immigrants and the high business birth rate support this claim. The greatest shortcoming in making America a land of opportunity is represented by the barriers which have been imposed against the Negro. The race problem is one of the most important domestic problems this country faces. No other issue has incited such passionate debate and no other question has tested the nation's fiber or forced such a reexamination of basic principles 1.
There can be little question that the migration of Negroes out of the South has increased their political and economic power as well as their expectations. Nor is it surprising or unusual, because industrialization logically causes disadvantaged groups to demand full citizenship rights and equal educational and job opportunities as means of advancement in an industrial society.
Although most Negroes remain at the bottom of the economic ladder, the Civil Rights movement apparently is led by Negroes, particularly relatively well-educated young people, who have already advanced a little but who find further betterment blocked by racial discrimination. They realize, therefore, that there are problems that all Negroes must overcome if the favored few are to make additional progress. But in the United States the pattern of Negro protest also is conditioned by the constitutional guarantees of civil rights, which have been deferred in many areas since the Civil War 2
Committee Chair/Advisor
George R. Woolfolk
Prairie View Agriculture And Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Brown, J. B. (1969). Organized Labor And The Negro: A Study In The Attitudes Of Labor Unions Toward The Negro As Revealed In The Writings Of Contemporary Economic Historians. Retrieved from