Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Home Economics
While clothing constitutes one of the basic essentials in family living, the provision of adequate clothing for the population does not represent the same kind of urgency as does the provision of food and shelter. Current conventions, as well as the more fundamental requirements for protection against cold and other adverse weather conditions, impose minima for persons who undertake to live normally with respect to present-day patterns of community living, in the groups in which they find themselves.1 Such minim are not standardized for the population as a whole since they vary with community, climate, and socioeconomic status.
Clothing represents a category of consumption for which expenditures may be more sharply contracted or expanded in any given year to meet particular circumstances than can expenditures for almost any other essential. This flexibility arises from the fact that most articles of clothing are fairly durable. The elements of taste and habit reflect wide differences among families of the same composition at the same income level and in no other main category of consumption is there wider latitude for choice both in the number and kinds of articles to be purchased. Individual standards of style and appearance vary widely, not with standing the leveling influence of advertising and the pressure to conform, that is particularly evident in small cities. Today, the woman consumer of America is in the process of development sine® she will have to meet her duty by using business methods of conducting the home by planning personal and family budgets. Selection of clothing may be considered as one of the most important problems 0f housewives and professional women.
Committee Chair/Advisor
E. May Galloway
Committee Member
E. May Galloway
Prairie View Agricultural And Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
J.B . Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Coleman, J. (1950). Selective Factors Which Influenced The Purchasing Of Clothing By Groups Of Housewives And Professional Women. Retrieved from