Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
AT "1 evidence in fossil remains indicates the presence of algae since the beginning of time. The conception of a group of plants known as algae has been and still is changing. The first delimitation of the algae as we know the term is that of A. L. de Jussieu, 1797, but his characterization of the group is practically worthless according to Smith15 because it is based entirely upon macroscopic features. Later C. A. Agardh, 1824, one of the pioneers in the study of algae, made important contributions, and Endlicher, 1836, included the algae, lichens, and fungi in a kingdom called the THALLOPHYTA. Endlicher separated Thailophyta from other plants because of their lack of stem and leaf differentiation. This recognition of a morphological distinction is still used today. Such a distinction is difficult because certain Thailophyta have stem and leaf differentiation, as trie Larcl nariales15. A clear-cut distinction can be drawn between Thailophyta and other plants on the basis of the structure of the gamete and the spore-containing organs. In Thailophyta the sex organs are one-celled; or when multicellular do not have the gametes surrounded by a layer of sterile cells. Too, the zygotes of the Thallopbytes never develop into multicellular embryos.15.
Up to the present date, not too much work has been done on the study of algae in the United States. The field is far from having been completely exploited. Notable works have been done in the field at Woods Hole, Massachusetts by Dr. Hannah T, Croasdale, 1935, and Lois Lillick, 1957, also at Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Several local studies have been made in the area of the Southern states, among them "The Fresh-Water Algae of Southern United States I, Desmids from Mississippi, with Descriptions of New Species and Varieties," by Gerald W. Prescott and Arthur M. Scott.^ "The Fresh- Water algae of the United States II. The Algae of Louisiana, With Descriptions of Some New Forms and Notes on Distribution," by Gerald W. Prescott.14 "Limnological Observations on an East Texas C Lake," E. P. Cheatum and others. The only work in this field in the vicinity of Prairie View University was by a student, Jessie S. Duplantier in 1958. She found thirteen species, the majority of which were located in tanks, fish ponds and a stream located behind the football field.
Committee Chair/Advisor
Thomas P. Dooley
Committee Member
E. E. OBanion
Committee Member
E. E. OBanion
Committee Member
C. H. Nicholas
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Johnson, J. W. (1946). An Algealogical Study In The Vicinity Of Prairie View University. Retrieved from