Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Agriculture Economics
The writer is not attempting to point out how specialized the farmer should he in his farm operation and production. The problem is to determine the extent that farmers, especially Negro farmers in the La Grange, Texas area, market their products.
Inasmuch as farmers produce marketable goods, the writer in an attempt to analyze the problem formulated the following questions:
1. What are the market avenues open to you?
2. How much ease do you have in utilizing the available markets, especially Negro farmers?
3. Prom what enterprise do you get the biggest income?
4. Do you market your farm products cooperatively?
5. Do you think this study or information is of educational value to you?
6. What are the possibilities for the writer recommending some points to improve the farming practices of Negroes living in the La Grange, Texas area with special reference to marketing practices?
This study is intended to determine:
1. The extent the farmers, especially Negro farmers, are profiting from the use of available markets and its direct bearing on his living conditions as a result of the educational value received in establishing ready and useful marketing information.
2. Are the farmers, especially Negro farmers, using the available markets to the best advantage in order that the highest possible income may be obtained?
3. Are Negro farmers given every opportunity to market their products at existing prices as long as the particular product is up to standard and grade?
Committee Chair/Advisor
E. M. Norris
Committee Member
J. M. Coruthers
Committee Member
J. R. Powell
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Jackson, J. C. (1954). Some Aspects Of Farming By Negroes Living In The LA Grange, Texas Area With Special Reference To Marketing Practices. Retrieved from