Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Education
Degree Discipline
In recent years, there has been an increase in delinquency on the part of youth in Brazos County, such as having to do with the stealing of merchandise or otherwise involving numerous youth making necessary both police and court action. This kind of condition has prevailed over a period of time sufficient in scope to justify investigation, preventive and corrective measures. The purpose of this study was to identify certain environmental influences that may be contributing factors toward the misbehavior of these young people. The problems basic to the major purpose of this study may be stated as: 1. The kinds of situations to which the students have to adjust themselves. 2. Kinds of relationship between the child and his parents. 3. Excessive absence of the father or mother or both parents from the home and its consequent effect upon the child. 4. Types of agencies, organizations, and institutions within the community having an impact on the development of youth. 5. The family unit as an agency in the life of the child. 6. Evidences of parental guidance within the home. 7. Specific areas of concern for the home, churches and schools having general implications for the development of wholesome living on the part of the child.
The student population for the study included fifty students from each of the following schools: Carver, Fairview, John M. Moore, and Washington Elementary Schools, Kemp and Lincoln High Schools.
The data for this study were secured through personal interviews with individuals in the community, questionnaires sent to three hundred students within the Brazos County area, and personal observation. For comparative purposes, data from related studies and information from the literature were used as background material, also, for the analysis of the survey data.
The schools represented are located in four different community areas. Since Bryan and College Station, Texas are the main centers of attractions, the environmental factors considered are mostly from these areas.
Environmental factors under consideration were those associated with either the home, school or community.
Committee Chair/Advisor
J. W. Echols
Prairie View A&M College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Peterson, A. A. (1962). Some Environmental Influences on the Developmental Pattern of Negro Youth in Brazos County. Retrieved from