Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Physical Education
The purpose of this study is to develop plans for an intramural program for boys in the I. M, Terrell High School, Fort North, Texas. Under the present program carried on at the school, there is no provision made to add to the pleasure and education of boys during leisure hours after the school day closes. This problem was chosen because it is believed there is a need for the program in the school. The plan formulated will be presented to the school officials in the coming session, 1958-1959, and an effort will be made to organize an intramural program from it. The plan will be based upon accepted educational purposes and sound physical education concepts.
Educational writers support the theory that physical education in the old sense of the term does not meet all of the recreational needs of students. Williams says:
Physical education must aim to afford an opportunity for all to engage in activities that are physically wholesome, mentally stimulating and satisfying, and socially sound. The advent of intramural associations in schools and colleges and the formation of recreational clubs and camping and hiking organizations are symptomatic of the new thought in physical education, that interprets its program in the light of man's nature and biological needs. The view is maintained that the particular service that physical education must render is to provide for all opportunities for participation in natural, wholesome forms of physical activity. One of the many excellent developments in modern physical education is intramural sports.
Committee Chair/Advisor
C. A, Wood
Committee Member
N. J . Johnson
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Johnson, H. C. (1958). The Development Of A Planned Intramural Program Suitable For The Sophomore, Junior, And Senior Boys in I.M. Terrell High School, Fort Worth, Texas. Retrieved from