A Suggestive Physical Education Program For Ninth Grade At Edison Junior High School, Houston, Texas
Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Physical Education
Education in America has a responsibility, as have other great countries, to help individuals to live effectively in a democratic society. Effective living implies the development of the individual's highest powers for his own dynamic functioning and for the good of the society in which he lives.
Of all areas of education, physical education is significantly that which deals constantly and continuously with the individual in his most dynamic learning, for he sees, thinks, feels, and moves at once in situations of social and democratic importance.
Need for the Study
One of the most exasperating tasks to tackle in present day society is that of building a program of education for the ever-increasing masses of humanity, while at the same time meeting the particular and frequently unconforming needs of individual students. The administration of the Houston Independent School District, of which Thomas Edison Junior High School is a part, delegates to each school in its district the power to organize its own curriculum. On the other hand, the administration of each school delegates the organizing of the various programs in the curriculum to the teachers in charge.
Prairie View A. & M. College
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Johnson, H. L. (1971). A Suggestive Physical Education Program For Ninth Grade At Edison Junior High School, Houston, Texas. Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.pvamu.edu/pvamu-theses/1140