Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Home Economics
A study of the home experiences of homemaking students of Carver High School, Lockhart, Texas has been made. The writer chose to study home experiences in foods because it was felt there was a need for concentration on the relationship that might exist between classroom experiences and the home use of acceptable procedures In the planning of nutritious meals and In the preparation of foods to maintain maximum food values. The situation at school can provide to a limited extent only, all the elements which are usually found In a home, even though the equipment may be arranged as nearly like that of a home as possible. Reality in family life does not exist at school. The unit kitchen groups may be called family groups, yet the family cannot be portrayed In reality by a group of girls of the same ages who come from different family situations.
Plans are usually made for the laboratory practices, and procedures for work are discussed and demonstrated prior to student laboratory experiences. In spite of the plans that may be made, the procedures that are discussed, and demonstrations that are given, it is difficult for each girl to obtain the opportunity to increase her ability to plan, prepare and serve a full meal on her own. The opportunity to increase the ability is limited because of the necessity for many girls to work together at school. Seldom, if ever, does one girl learn as much about a responsibility as would be desired. One should consider the fact also that time and classroom expense are two major factors which limit the opportunity for each individual to carry as much responsibility as would be possible if students were able to work in their own homes.
The training which a girl of a few generations ago received in her home, enabled her to cope with the conditions of her times, but such training would be entirely inadequate for the conditions under which the homemaker lives and works today. Not only is much less physical labor required to operate the homes of today than was required in the homes of former days, but management and home production problems are entirely different.
Committee Chair/Advisor
E. May Galloway
Committee Member
E. May Galloway
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University

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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Smith, D. L. (1956). A Study Of Home Experiences In Meal Planning And Preparation Of Food Of Carver High School Homemaking Girls In Lockhart, Texas. Retrieved from