Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Home Economics
It is the opinion of Spafford, that the teacher should have a fairly clear knowledge of the environment out of which the pupils come to school, if she is to help the pupil develop into the kind of person that she has the ability to become.5 As there is so much friction in the average family with youngsters of adolescent age, and apparently such little effort is being made to remedy the situation, the writer hopes, that the data, collected in this study, will make some small contribution which may add to the peace and harmony of such homes.
The writer's interest in this problem grew out of a desire to help the families in the Yoakum Community to a better understanding between the adolescent girl and her parents, because the writer believes that the areas of a conflicting nature which are sources of friction between the adolescent girl and her parents, could be determined if based upon information received from girls between the ages of twelve and twenty years. It was assumed by the writer that:
1. There is a need for instruction in life adjustment. 2. Economic levels for living influence patterns of behavior. 3. As the educational status of the family rises, so does the influence of scientific knowledge on adolescent problems. 4. The data collected may suggest some techniques to use in helping to overcome the conflicts of adolescents. 5. The results of such a study might furnish information to ascertain the extent and character of guidance in the homes and suggest plans for a more flexible school curriculum.
5Ivol Spafford, A Functioning Program of Home Economics, 1940.
Committee Chair/Advisor
Elizabeth C. Galloway
Prairie View A&M College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Wilson, S. A. (1951). A Study of the Areas of Conflict Between One Hundred Adolescent Girls and Their Parents in Yoakum, Texas. Retrieved from