Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Degree Discipline
Home Economics
With the development of our modern economic society characterized by a high degree of specialization and a complex market mechanism, the market has become a very important and difficult problem for consumers.1 The separation of producers and consumers and the ever widening gap between makers and users of goods, has given rise to many problems.
Today the makers and users of goods are not closely associated. A complex market system engaging the service of many people and employing many market devices and agencies intervenes between consumers end manufactures. Goods reach consumers through devious channels and pass through many hands. The consumer comes in contact only with the retailer, (the final link in the chain) and is unfamiliar with the processes through which goods have passed. It is not surprising that consumers know little or nothing at all of the characteristics of the goods they buy.
Increase in specialization has meant an increased importance of money and its parts in determining the welfare of the family. An increased portion of the real income of the family is made up of commodities and services purchased with money. Spending the money income has become important as well as earning it, and the selection of goods in the market is necessary and important part of the problem. The smaller the income the more carefully each dollar must be spent and the more important it becomes that the buyer purchase wisely.
The importance of the problem of buying is indicated by the money spent each year.
Consumers are faced each year with the problem of spending vast sums of money and selecting enormous quantities of goods. The homemaking job places a serious responsibility upon the home maker, to secure for the family a dollars' worth of satisfaction for every dollar spent. The question may well be asked; How effectively is this spending done?
The family that is forced to live on a low income today is confronted with the purchasing of market products more than the family that lived on the same income some years ago. The present day family depends upon buying everything needed and desired for the welfare of the members of the family.
1. "Standardization of Consumer Goods" Cales Ch.I
Committee Chair/Advisor
Hulda Owens
Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Marshall, E. E. (1939). A Study of Consumer's Educational Food Hints for Families with Low Income. Retrieved from