Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Discipline
Physical Education
The Problem
A determination of the needs for an extended recreational activity program for the citizens living in the West Dallas Community.
Need For The Study
In 1964, when the L. G. Pinkston Senior High School was opened, a community survey was initiated by Dr. Thomas Tolbert, Principal, who said, "To have a most effective philosophy of education and a meaningful program of studies, we should not only become acquainted with the student while he is at school, but we should take advantage of the opportunity to become acquainted with the total community." As a result of this study we were able to proceed with the business of projecting both curricular and extra-curricular activities for the school and community.
It is our belief that to be effective, a recreational program must absorb the leisure time of the citizens of the community. Our modern environment requires recreation, correction of harmful amusements, a lessening of crime and delinquency, and an improvement in public health and community conditions.
Purpose Of The Study
Because of the apparent need for organized recreational activities in West Dallas, we set forth to 1. study the kinds of work the people are engaged in; 2. analyze the community housing problems and the number of undesirable places at which the citizens spend their leisure time; and to 3. encourage the play and recreational activities by choosing those activities which will meet the needs and interests of the community as well as those that benefit the group socially, mentally and physically, thus helping the community to be a desirable place in which to live.
Prairie View A&M College
© 2021 Prairie View A & M University
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Date of Digitization
Contributing Institution
John B Coleman Library
City of Publication
Prairie View
Recommended Citation
Scott, C. J. (1969). A Study of the Physical Education and Recreation Activities of the West Dallas Community as Determined by Statistical and Socio-Economic Survey. Retrieved from