In the year 2000, the J. B Coleman Library was gifted a collection of 17th,18th, and 19th-century African artifacts from about 17 donors. The artifacts represent different tribes from 12 different countries (Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, Nigeria, Guinea, Senegal, Burkina, Angola, Zambia, etc). The collection's focus is on masks and figures from West and Central Africa, mostly carved in wood. You can find more by visiting the Exhibit Collections.
IGBO (KWA) Culture Of Arts in Nigeria - (Cult Dance)
LEGA WAREGA (Southeastern Congo (Zaire) - (Standing Male)
LUBA Culture Of Arts in South-Central Democratic Republic of the Congo- (Ancestor Figure)
DOGON Culture Of Arts in Mali - (Mother & Child)
BAMANA Culture Of Arts in Mali, Guinea, Burkina Faso and Senegal - (Standing Female)
SONGHAY Culture of Arts from eastern Mali, western Niger, and northern Benin - (Fetish Figure)
SONGHAY Culture of Arts from eastern Mali, western Niger, and northern Benin - (Kneeling Female Figure)
MENDE Culture of Arts from Sierra Leone and Liberia are unique in Africa- (Bundi Mask)
CHOKWE Culture of Arts from southern part of Congo (Kinshasa) from the Kwango River to the Lualaba; northeastern Angola- (Seated Female Figure)
SONGHAY Culture of Arts from eastern Mali, western Niger, and northern Benin - (Kneeling Female Figure) 2
EKOI Culture of Arts from southeastern region of Nigeria and parts of Cameroon- (Janusform Helmet Mask)
EKOI Culture of Arts from southeastern region of Nigeria and parts of Cameroon- (Janusform Helmet Mask) 2